Your 6 week check is not enough


Many women and trainers for that matter believe that a woman’s 6 week check is enough for her to return to the exercise she was doing pre-pregnancy.  It isn’t.

It appears to be a grey area in our health care system in NZ with our Lead Maternity Carers, doctors and Plunket available through this very early post natal stage although each one very much focused on the baby and unfortunately not so much on the physical wellbeing of the mother.  

There are two basic checks essential for a new Mum to have prior to her returning to exercise; the pelvic floor and abdominal wall. Often this isn’t even discussed, let alone checked and both are vital to everyday wellbeing moving forward.

With a woman’s body going through so much through pregnancy and in labour, I believe that a full post natal screening with a Woman’s Health Physio is important.

This will provide you with a better understanding of exactly what is happening with your body on the inside and where your body is at post pregnancy in order for you to make a more informed decision about how you can best return to exercise.


What is abdominal separation?


Resetting expectations & removing comparisons