Resetting expectations & removing comparisons


I think one of the strongest points I can make about this is that every woman's body, every pregnancy, every birth and every post natal journey is different.

Removing expectations around your recovery, breastfeeding, life as a Mum, your baby’s routines and development is key.  I don’t think there would have been anything anyone could have said to prepare me for how hard being a Mum is. While I may not have had any expectations on what life as a Mum was going to be like, I did on my physical recovery and an unexpected C-Section threw me with this completely.  Resetting these expectations enabled me to take things day by day without any pressure.

Avoiding comparisons between other Mums (and life pre baby) is one of the best things you can do! We hear so many conversations between Mums or posts on social media that paint a picture that often isn’t realistic.  Women are great at flying a super hero cape.  Everything is under control, life is great, their child is perfect and things couldn’t be better. But this so often isn’t the case.

Strip away these comparisons and focus on your journey.  Take it all in your stride and lean in for support as and when you need it – because at times; you will. Being a Mum is tough!

Comparisons to life pre baby is easy to slip into also. While so much has changed with our bodies through pregnancy and in life in general; it’s not so much about getting your pre-baby body back or being as fast or strong as you were pre pregnancy.  

It’s allowing a shift in your thinking to respect your body for what is has done and can do.  That alone is incredible and worth celebrating!


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